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  • ramplast

Ramplast Shargh co

Producer of Different Types of Polyethylene (PE) Pipes


Policy of the Integrated Management System (IMS)
(quality, environmental, occupational health and safety and customer complaints management)
Ram Plast Shargh Co. was established in 2008 in Mashhad and is working on PE pipe production line by applying modern technology and supporting advanced, efficient hardware and software infrastructure.

Believing that manpower and good equipment are the most important assets and resources required for any change and development, this company is committed to providing customer satisfaction and maintaining and protecting valuable assets and resources and has therefore established an integrated management system (IMS), which includes quality management system (ISO 9001:2008), occupational health and safety management system (BSI-OHSAS 18001:2007), environmental management system (ISO 14001:2004) and customer complaints management system (ISO 10002:2004). Furthermore, it feels obliged to constantly maintain and improve the IMS and annually revise its policy and objectives. [The following is an outline of these objectives]:

 • Increasing the share in foreign markets
• Reducing the losses and increasing the production efficiency in different stages of production
• Increasing the staff’s knowledge level
• Preventing and reducing occupational diseases and work-related accidents
• Preventing and reducing environmental pollution (including water, soil and air pollution)
• Establishing two-way communication with customers to help improve customer feedback

The director of the organization is totally committed to taking constant preventive rather than corrective measures and proceeds to set, implement and revise macro and micro goals, action plans and performance in regards to quality, occupational health and safety and environmental concerns through compliance with legal requirements as well as other requirements pertaining to these areas.

In addition, this organization feels obliged to handle quality management, occupational health and safety risks and environmental aspects and impacts and is determined to spread a wider culture in line with quality, occupational health and safety and environmental concerns by providing effective training to all its employees and customers and raising their awareness in this regard.

The organization also remains strongly committed to providing appropriate conditions and opportunities in order to deal with emergencies in quality, occupational health and safety and environmental related areas, and will therefore put all its effort into accomplishing this objective.

Therefore, I kindly demand that all my colleagues, while cooperating with the system management representative (MR), fully comprehend the IMS policy, implement it with all the requirements of this system and try to disseminate it to the organization’s stakeholders.

Ardalan Mansouriyan- Chief Executive Officer (CEO)