Best Industrial Factory 2018

Congratulations manager

Agricultural Exhibition2018

Managing Director's Interview on the problems of procurement of raw materials
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Appreciation at the Consumers Rights Conference . 2017
Holding the second training course on polyethylene pipes

Introduction of the province's leading industries. 2017

Afghan Plast Expo – Kabul
Visit the technology transfer consultants from Ram Plast

Selected as Entrepreneur of the Year2016
Festival gratitude of sample units in the presence of the doctor Ali Ryby Cooperatives Minister of Labor and Social Welfare and a number of directors of executive agencies under the Ministry auditorium cooperative effort of labor and social welfare in the province as well as a large number of workers, employers and representatives of labor organizations and employers' efforts in the auditorium of Khorasan Razavi province workers held a number of sports and cultural complex.
The ceremony doctor Ali Rabii, congratulated the coming weeks, honoring work and workers said during the years of the Islamic Revolution has been the capacity and creativity of workers evolution and the ingenuity and commitment in various areas numerous honors for Islamic homeland to has brought. He added that workers who "John" and his "life work" they are worthy of praise and dignity.
Doctor Rabii also admitted: I consider myself one of the workers before the revolution and in industrial environments was working why Dare I say this class and decency has the duty of a soldier of the Imam and the supreme leader is done correctly and on time war and defended and zealous in front of the battle of truth against present and many of them also to the lofty testimony achieved and then in the course of reconstruction after the war with devotion and continuous efforts unique role in the boom Islamic homeland and economic growth have played.
Minister of Cooperatives, Labor and Social Welfare pointed out that the way to save the country boost production and move toward producing society is said now beloved homeland, we need investment and economic growth and development and we should be parallel to the glorification of labor from employers
end said everything that we can to eradicate poverty and to reform society will be used to benefit compatriots decent life and better conditions.
Agricultural and Related Industries Fair in 2016
Fire Safety Maneuver in 2016
Congratulations from Bank Melli Iran BMI
Congratulations from the Industrial Managers Association
Congratulations from Mahdab Toos Co.
Congratulations from Samari Store
Visit Made by Governor of Khorasan Razavi and Head of the Department of Industry and Mine on 25 June 2015
While visiting this company, the Governor of Khorasan Razavi became aware of the issues and problems propounded by the CEO Mr. Ardalan Mansouriyan and counseled the relevant managers and officials to take active steps in order to resolve these problems.
Alireza Rashidian noted during this visit: “To help reduce the vulnerability of production units, all executive organizations _ whether those dependent on the monetary system or those based on the marketing system _ must cooperate to fix problems and maintain employment”.
The governor later on added: “Following the new state legislation, resumed activities of the Council for Facilitation [of Affairs and Supporting of Production Units and Industrial Parks] with its sub-committees and the law recently passed by the parliament, terms of cooperation between the public and the private sectors have improved this year”. Referring to the lack of working capital in production units, he added: “Bank managers must contribute to the production units”.
During this visit, in the presence of a few provincial officials and bank managers, the CEO of Ram Plast Shargh Co. made mention of this company’s problems, including high state debt to the company, and added: “We are in turn indebted to the banking system. So we demand that with the assistance of the executive organizations our debt to the banks be balanced by our credit with the state, so that we won’t have to pay the loans’ late payment fine”.
He also referred to the problem of supplying the raw materials, saying: “Governmental organizations can help us supply the raw materials required”. He also highlighted the fact that the PE pipe production capacity of the province is more than enough and added: “We are capable of exporting some products as well; yet domestic petrochemical companies are exporting cheap raw materials to Turkey and this has reduced our competitiveness among the region countries”.
He added: “Although the province has a production capacity that could meet the needs of the province, executive organizations such as the [Iranian Ministry of] Agriculture Jihad hold tenders all over the country and therefore supply their needs from other provinces, while the quality of their products in some cases is not even comparable to ours”.
Visit Made by Deputy of Planning and Economic Affairs of Iran Small Industries and Industrial Parks Org. and Head of the Province’s Industrial Estates Co. on 21 August 2016
To commemorate the National Day of Small Industries (11 August), Deputy of Planning and Economic Affairs of the country’s Small Industries and Industrial Parks Org. Farshad Moghimi and Head of Khorasan Razavi Industrial Estates Co. Mehdizadeh Moghadam visited Ram Plast Co. accompanied by a delegation.
Even despite the sanctions and difficulty in procuring raw materials in recent years, this company hasn’t had layoffs and has instead remained strong by means of new recruits in the current situation of the industry. Thus, it is extremely proud that the authorities have chosen this company, from among several others, to receive the Award Certificate as the exemplary industrial unit and the top entrepreneur of Khorasan Razavi Province. Therefore, an Award Certificate was granted, which has since boosted our strength in contributing to the progress and promotion of the industry in Iran.
Visit Made by Counsel General of Tajikistan
Interview with “World of Economy” Newspaper
Introducing Exemplary Exporting Units in 2014
A Specialized Conference on Polyethylene Pipes
Ram Plast in “Khorasan” Newspaper